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Press Release: New Company Announcement: Encore Health Resources

February 16, 2009

For Immediate Release

New Company Announcement: Encore Health Resources LLC

Healthcare Industry Veterans Ivo Nelson and Dana Sellers Form New Firm

HOUSTON, February 16, 2009 - Encore Health Resources LLC (Encore) has been formed by healthcare veterans Ivo Nelson and Dana Sellers to provide information technology consulting services to the provider segment of the healthcare market.

"The new administration‘s economic stimulus plan includes major investments in health information technology (HIT) which we believe will result in a significant acceleration in the implementation and adoption of HIT including electronic health records (EHR) by hospitals and physicians,“ said Dana Sellers, Encore‘s president and chief executive officer. —These EHRs will enable providers timely access to the health information required to reduce medical errors, decrease costs and improve the overall quality of care provided. Electronic data sharing and quality reporting between hospitals and physicians will be key requirements in enabling health and disease management and driving optimized reimbursement models.“

Encore consultants have the technical, healthcare operations and change management skills necessary to plan, implement and integrate HIT technologies, including EHR systems, in both hospitals and physician offices. The company offers a full spectrum of industry and EHR application knowledge to assist hospitals and physician organizations in meeting the federal requirements and timelines to qualify for the health care information technology incentive plan.

"I believe that we are at a tipping point in our industry. The results of the 2008 election, the focus of the current administration, and the policymakers and reformers now in power all suggest that there is real momentum behind fundamental change in the U.S. healthcare system. I formed Encore because I saw a need for a company that can not only attract the talent with the skills to facilitate this fundamental shift, but also people who have an appetite for seeing this change occur. Encore is that company,“ said Ivo Nelson, chairman of Encore.

Mr. Nelson is a 30-year veteran of the healthcare industry and has built some of the largest outsourcing and consulting firms in the United States including Houston-based Healthlink Incorporated (Healthlink). Mr. Nelson built Healthlink to be the nation‘s largest, privately-held, provider-focused healthcare information technology consulting firm. IBM acquired Healthlink in June 2005. Mr. Nelson has spent the past seven years developing healthcare businesses in Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. Ms. Sellers has over 25 years of experience with healthcare, technology and consulting. Adding to this broad, global leadership experience is a management team that has worked together for over 15 years and has an average of 30 years experience in healthcare.


Chris Russell, Encore Health Resources, Vice President, [email protected], 1-877-787-1010

Amanda LeBlanc, Red Dog Communications for Encore Health Resources, [email protected], 1-225-772-8865



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Encore Health Resources, LLC • 1-877-787-1010