Full Speed Ahead: Creating Go-Live Success
Thursday, August 15, 2013 2:00 – 2:45 p.m. Eastern
In implementing a new EHR, organizations typically focus on getting the software ready … building workflows, creating interfaces, and performing data conversions. Just as critical as having the software reflect the organization’s needs is having the go-live activities mirror the organization’s culture, goals, and end user support needs. This webinar will give an in-depth discussion of those items frequently overlooked and under resourced in bringing an EHR live. Encore Health Resources will share our experiences and lessons learned in supporting 28 go-lives for 22 facilities and over 10,000 physicians.
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- List the responsibilities of a Go-Live project manager
- Identify major tasks associated with before, during and after Go-Live
- Define the role of super user before, during, and after Go-Live
- Discuss the differences in preparing for inpatient and ambulatory Go-Lives
- Explain strategies for physician support and preparation
- Identify key activities to engage providers and staff right at the finish line
Judi Binderman, MD is Encore’s chief medical officer and is an OB/GYN with 25 years of experience in patient care, healthcare operations, and information technology. Her career experience covers physician adoption, clinical content management, order set development, CPOE implementation, closed-loop medication management, and clinical documentation. She has spoken nationally on CPOE, physician champion development, evidence-based clinical content development, and medication safety. Specific areas of expertise focus on change management, operational and cultural transformation, clinical process workflow and redesign, ambulatory workflow, and medical records planning. She trained at Cornell University, Texas A & M, LSU, and ASU. She has a BS in engineering as well as an MD, MBA, and MHSA.